What is Revenge Porn?

This Boardly video looks at the issue of “Revenge Porn” an growing phenomenon where men expose ex-girlfriends to an online world of horror. Imagine you break up with your boyfriend. He’s anger. He creates fake online personas for you, saying you love unprotected sex with multiple male partner. He creates a Facebook page for you, with your pictures saying awful things about you. He lists you on escort services. Or he goes online to one of dozens of sites and invites other men to talk about how you should be raped and tortured. The perpetrators shares private information, like your name and where you live, pictures of you, and invites men to act on his wishes. Ninety percent of the victims are women. The impact of this online bullying ranges from women losing jobs to suicide to actually attacks.

Twenty-six states now have specific revenge porn laws on the books. But despite these recent legislative victories, non-consensual pornography is still a growing problem. In states where revenge porn isn’t an explicit offense, existing anti-harassment laws fail women who have had their privacy violated online.

Victims of revenge porn, however, have ignited an activist movement to reclaim their lives, images, and narratives. Broadly talks to these women, their lawyers, and allied activists who are all fighting against non-consensual porn while navigating the uncharted territory of confronting these crimes in the offline world.

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